Cold Case Analysis

Unidentified person cases can remain unsolved for years, leaving families without answers and closure. Our Cold Case Analysis service is dedicated to revisiting these cases with fresh eyes and advanced forensic methods, aiming to uncover new information.

How does our Cold Case Analysis service work?

Our Cold Case Analysis service focuses on the detailed re-examination of unresolved cases involving unidentified people. We bring together a team of experts who utilise advanced forensic techniques and thorough investigative methods to provide new insights and leads.

For most cases, the process is typically centred around five key steps:

  1. Forensic Analysis: We employ cutting-edge forensic technology and methods to re-examine evidence, seeking new insights that were previously overlooked.

  2. Meticulous Case Reviews: Our team conducts comprehensive reviews of each case, looking for overlooked details and new leads that could help solve the mystery.

  3. Collaborative Approach: We work in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, forensic experts, and other organisations to ensure a coordinated and thorough investigation.

  4. Public Engagement: We actively engage the public through appeals and media campaigns to gather new information and leads that could help solve these cases.

  5. Data Contribution: The information gathered from these cases contributes to a richer understanding of unidentified person cases, helping to inform preventative measures and future investigations.

Why Cold Case Analysis is important

Families and communities affected by unidentified person cases often feel forgotten and overlooked. Our Cold Case Analysis service aims to change that by providing renewed focus and expert-led investigations. By choosing this service, families can be assured that their case is being handled with the utmost care and dedication, increasing the chances of identification and answers.