Our Vision and Mission

At Locate International, our vision and mission shape everything we do. We are dedicated to locating the missing and naming the unidentified, ensuring that every possible effort has been made to bring answers to families. Our commitment is to provide expert reviews, mobilise skilled volunteers, and drive innovative investigations to solve long-term missing and unidentified person cases.

Our Vision

We want to locate the missing and name the unidentified. Every family of a long-term missing person or unidentified person deserves to know that all that could have been done has been done.

Our vision is to bring answers to these families by ensuring exhaustive efforts in every case.

Our Mission

  • Central Expertise & Voluntary Resource: We aim to be a central point of expertise and voluntary resource in the UK and internationally.

  • High-Quality Investigations: We are committed to undertaking the highest quality reviews and investigations into unsolved missing and unidentified people cases.

  • Mobilising Specialists: We deploy our specialist team of volunteers dedicated to reviewing cases of long-term missing and unidentified people.

  • Cutting Edge Research: To foster and lead research to become a global leader in the prevention of missing persons cold cases.

At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to assist investigations, improve investigative practices, and ensure that every effort has been made to find the answers people deserve.