Shakespeare Cliff Man

Found On: 7th October 1980

On 7th October 1980, a man was found on the beach at the bottom of Shakespeare Cliffs, Dover. He is believed to have jumped from the top.

What we know

The man is described as white, European, 30 – 45 years of age, 6’5″ tall and of thin build. He had dark brown, curly hair, was clean-shaven and nicotine-stained fingers suggesting he was a smoker. He had a mark on his finger but there are no more details on this.

He was wearing a fawn-coloured zip-up jacket with a knitted collar and cuffs from Marks and Spencer, size 40 – 42. He was also wearing a grey V neck jumper, also from Marks and Spencer, size 40 and a blue V neck ‘Conte Cristo’ jumper size 38, grey trousers, blue ‘Oscar’ underpants, a brown leather belt and grey socks.

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